The beginning of this year I started a new venture of meal planning, and while January and February went really well, things changed a bit and I found myself falling off the meal planning wagon. Katie had started a new chapter being accepted into the Minnesota Youth Symphony for violin. This was wonderful for her, but for me it meant something even more. I spent every other Saturday sitting at a table in the area where she practiced with time to go through the ads from the grocery stores and planning out the next 2 weeks of meals. Some weeks the time allowed me to place my delivery order with our Hy-Vee grocery store. This was an amazing use of my Saturday morning because it gave me the time I needed to create our meal plans. Of course, as the year went on and our schedule at home changed, Ryan started to take Katie to her practice. I stopped planning and it became a fly by the seat of my pants kind of time again. I will tell you the planning makes all the difference. Even tonight as I sit here I realize that yes, I made just a rice dish and it was ok but I have now eaten a couple cookies and feel unsatisfied.
Due to this my plan going forward will be to use this site as inspiration. I have purchased a new book with freezer meal planning and I am determined to try a new recipe at least once every 2 weeks to work on getting out of my rut so to speak. I will write on here my weekly meal plan to keep me on track and give others inspiration. If it is a new recipe I will share that as well.
I have purchased this meal planner from Amazon and love it. It is magnetic so it sticks to the fridge so you can’t loose it. The grocery list is attached so you can add things you run out of as you need them. Below is an image of the meal planner from Amazon.

Looking forward to meal planning in the days ahead!